
In the air of the night.

"Just because a friendship or relationship ends does not mean that the other person is a bad person. Nor does it mean that the other person is crazy. Nor does it mean that the other person never cared about you or any of those things we often say. It simply means that it wasn’t meant to work out and though it is horrible and unfortunate and sometimes heartbreaking, it’s not the end of the world. Other friends will come along, other boyfriends and girlfriends will come along. Sometimes things just aren’t meant to be. And that has to be okay. It has to be okay because otherwise what do we have?"
- Samantha Mott

Both of us cared, and both of us tried with all our hearts. So what do we say when even that wasn't enough to save us? What was it then? Was I not honest with how I felt? With all that I said? Were you not honest with how you felt? With all you said? One of us wasn't. That has to be it; One of us had to have lied. And I'll go as far as to say it wasn't me.

P.S. I have only one question left. Did you make any mention of what had been said? Was there a justified apology? A peace of mind? Did you choose people you could trust?

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